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Resolution Season Is Here!

Updated: Jun 4, 2019

January is quickly approaching which means it’s time to start talking about our resolutions for 2019! Many New Year's resolutions revolve around our health. In fact, 46% of Americans resolve to a healthier lifestyle in the new year, coming in second to making more money.

Wanting to make changes in our lifestyle habits and actually implementing those changes can feel daunting, even terrifying. There are often some barriers that prevent people from tangible, measurable success when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle. Some of these barriers include, lack of confidence, limited success in the past, lack of support, and history of yo-yo or fad dieting with returning weight gain. At times, it can feel like you're swimming upstream or solo climbing a mountain.

We are so excited to invite you to our Healthy Lifestyle 101 Course starting on January 3rd. For five Thursdays we will provide healthy meals and key information on the healthiest lifestyle and how to make the transition. You will learn how to grocery shop on any budget, how to plan and prepare food, local healthy choices when eating out, and how to increase activity without spending hours in the gym. All while meeting new friends with a common interest in getting healthy in 2019!

Along with practical tips and information, this class will kick down the barriers that are keeping you from taking the next step to a healthy lifestyle. You will see your health transform from the inside out, and you will have support and accountability from others participating in the course and our staff. This course will prepare you for success in fostering a healthy lifestyle in 2019. The information within will also increase your quality of life and restore hope that you can take your health back in your own hands. After all, resolving to make more money doesn't help if you don't have your health!

We hope to see you here!

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